Concentration camp of Theresienstadt

The 10 of June of 1940, Gestapo took the control from Theresienstadt installing a prison in Kleine Festung (" Strength pequeña"). The 24 of November of 1941, the place was turned into Ghetto walled, that presented/displayed a facade that hid the operation of extermination of the Jews, impelled by the head of FOLL, Reinhard Heydrich . For the outer world, Theresienstadt had to appear like a Jewish colony model. A film with the title of Der Führer was even rolled schenkt give to Juden eine Stadt ( " Führer" gives a city to the Jews), to transmit that sensation. But one was a concentration camp, that also was used like field of transition towards Auschwitz and the other extermination fields .
The 3 of May of 1945, the control of the field was transferred by the Germans to the Red Cross . Few days more afternoons, the 8 of May of 1945, Red Army entered Theresienstadt.
A field " especial"
In October of 1943 476 Jews coming from Denmark went deportees to Theresienstadt . The majority of the Danish Jews could be saved, because they saved to Sweden, with which them German force of occupation could not take control of them. But the Danish government either did not leave his citizens locked up in Theresienstadt. The pressure that did on the Nazi government contributed to that the Nazis, during some months, with propagandistic aims and to deceive international the public opinion, would turn Theresienstadt into a field model.
The Nazis even allowed in June of 1944 that a delegation of Committee the International of the Red Cross would visit Theresienstadt, for which " adecentaron" the field. For example, to prevent to give the overcrowding impression the transport from prisoners to the fields of Auschwitz-Birkenau was reinforced before the visit, where at the outset " stayed to the deportees in a special zone (; field familiar") in order to be able to present/display them in case the Red Cross protested to see them. After the visit, those people were assassinated.
In the own Theresienstadt coffees settled and was a certain cultural activity. For example, the infantile opera imagined Brundibár of the Czech composer Hans Krása . The 26 of February of 1944 began to roll a propagandistic film: " Theresienstadt - Ein Dokumentarfilm aus DEM jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet ", under direction of Kurt Gerron . It was tried to show the good that went to them to the Jews under " beneficios" of Third Reich . After the completion of the film, the majority of the actors and the own director went deportees to Auschwitz .
Many other cultural activities, in which participated more than 2000 prisoners, known were developed or then or that was it the more ahead.
Personages deportees to Theresienstadt
Deceaseds in Theresienstadt
Elkan Bauer (1852-1942), musician
Robert Desnos (1900-1945), French poet
Martin Finkelgruen († 1942), retailer
Alfred Flatow (1869-1942), German gymnast
Gustav Flatow (1875-1945), German gymnast
Esther Adolphine Freud, sister of Sigmund Freud († 1942)
Martha Jacob, as a single person Behrendt (1865-1943), mother of the writer Heinrich Eduard Jacob
Rudolf Karel (1880-1945), Czech composer
Friedrich Münzer († 1942), German historian
Georg Pick (1859-1942), Austrian mathematician
Benno Wolf (1871-1943), espeleólogo
Deceaseds in other concentration camps
Heinz Alt, musician, died in Auschwitz
Pavel Haas, Czech composer, deceased in Auschwitz
Gideon Klein, composer and Czech pianist, died in Concentration camp Fürstengrube
Hans Krása, Czech composer, deceased in the gas chambers of Auschwitz
Viktor Ullmann, Czech composer, student of Schönberg, passed away in Auschwitz.
Ilse Weber, Jewish writer, assassinated in Auschwitz along with its Tommy son
Karel Ančerl (1908-1973), conductor
Josef Beran (1888-1969), archbishop of the Prague
Ruth Elias, author of the book " The hope maintained viva" to me; Hoffnung erhielt mich a. Leben", in which it narrates his experience of the concentration camp
Karel Kosík (1926-2003), philosopher and theoretician of Literature
Willi Weber, husband of Ilse Weber and publisher of its works
Statistical data
Besides other nonJewish deportees, it was locked in to Jewish numbers coming from Czechoslovakia; in addition, around 144,000 Jews they were sent to this field: about 40,000 came from Germany, 15,000, of Austria; 5.000, of the Netherlands and about 300 of Luxembourg. Besides approx the 500 Jews of Denmark, also others coming from Esolovaquia and Hungary went deportees to this place. Around the quarter of the deportees (about 33,000) it died in the concentration camp, mainly by the bad conditions: the hunger and the diseases, especially the typhus epidemic that already triggered near the end of the War. 88,000 people were transferred from now until Auschwitzand other fields of extermination. When finalizing the War, only were 17,247 survivors.
The place that occupied the concentration camp has turned into a museum in memory of the victims.
On the initiative of the mezzosoprano Ana Sofie von Otter in 2007 has published a disc that contains works of Jewish composers, arisen during the stay in Theresienstadt. All of them died later in Auschwitz. The disc contains songs of Ilse Weber, Karel Svenik, Adolf Strauss, Martin Roman, Hans Krása and Car it Sigmund Taube, as well as Sechs Sonette op. 34 of Viktor Ullmann, Vier Lieder to über chinesische Dichtung of Pavel Haas and Sonate für Solovioline of Erwin Schulhoff .
the Cuban cantautor Silvio Rodriguez has realized a composition with the title Terezin in recollection to the victims of the concentration camp and that can be in Bowl 1 of the CD Erase that was of 2006.
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